Anonymous 2020


  2020 will be a year that the world will never forget. Rumors of another war resulted in the death of an Iranian general. The unexpected death of a beloved retired basketball player and his daughter (along with seven others) shook us all to our core. A deadly virus that took form in Wuhan, China took the lives of over 200,000 people (domestically). The tragic deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd caused a level of civil unrest that no one saw coming. In the midst of chaos an election is to take place. The options between the lesser of two evils aren't slim, but too great.       

  Politics in 2020 has driven me up the wall. Honestly, it's safe to say that neither the DNC or the RNC can fix the problems of "We The People." Corruption has polluted both parties from it's core all the way to their surfaces. Please let me explain why in further detail.    

  Former Vice President Joe Biden has been in politics for almost fifty years. Within these almost fifty years in politics Biden was a senator representing a district in Delaware. While in the senate Biden went against topics of progression (Busing to name of few) and said lots of head-turning things ("I don't want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle"). In 2008 Biden decided to tip his hat in for the race for President of The United States for the second time. A fellow contender for the oval office was a young senator from Illinois named Barrack Obama. Weeks would pass and Obama would win Iowa which helped build his momentum for a bright future in U.S. Politics. On August 27, 2008 than Senator Biden was given a phone call as to whether he would like to be the Vice Presidential Nominee under the Democratic Presidential Nominee Barrack Obama. One might be safe to say that the only thing good Biden has going for him is serving as Vice President for eight years under Obama.    

  Kamala Harris has a real shady past as an attorney in the state of California. Hiding DNA evidence or locking people up way pass their release date should make the loudest SJW's cringe. If you want to give kudos to anybody it should go to Rep. Tulsi Gabbard out of Hawaii (for letting the world know these things during a CNN Town Hall debate). Harris is a toddler in Capital Hill Politics. Four years into her term as a senator and she and she is already considered VP material. This truth amazes me in the worst way.    

  President Trump came on the scene at the right time and said the right things. Throughout his 2016 campaign Trump devoured his competition. A site was to behold seeing Trump call mayors, governors, congressman, and senators names of all kinds (Crazy Ted, Waterboy Marco, etc.). Here is a successful businessman on a stage with all of these "establishment politicians." An outsider was taking over a party that was power hungry and made them do what he wanted them to do. By August of 2016 Trump was seen as a eligible nominee for the RNC. For most of us the first two years of the Trump Presidency was very scary to watch. "Very fine people on both sides" and "Fire And Fury" were phrases that we had to get use to. As of 2020 it's safe to say that Trump changed the world of U.S. Politics (some say for the better and others say for the worst).     

  Vice President Mike Pence went from a radio host in the state of Indiana. Than he won a seat in Congress. After Congress Pence became Governor Indiana (50th). In the summer of 2016 Pence received a call from the Trump Campaign. The phone call evolved around Pence being selected as Trump's VP nominee and head of his transition team. Accepting this call with gratitude Pence agreed and flew to Trump Tower in NYC. Since being sworn in on January 21, 2017 Pence has been seen as the "White Knight" that makes Trump's rhetoric look and sound soothing. This doesn't cut the fact that Indiana is considered A Handmaid's Tale for women and a Jim Crow playground for the LGBTQ community. Former Mayor of South Bend Pete Buttigieg is the state's only savior, taking "Future Former Republicans" to the promise land. All of the "saved" and "delivered" Christians should ashamed of themselves to blindly support a Pence or a Trump Administration.     

  Prayer and the reading of scripture has been a heavy interest of mine for the past three months. Watching the news or reading articles the only question I ask is what would Jesus Christ do if he were here today? Some say he would take sides with the far left. Some say he would break bread with the conservatives. Others have theorized that he would take up arms and overthrow the government. According to my knowledge (and The Good Book) Jesus would perform miracles that can bring people together (the multiplying of fish and bread, etc.). Enough fighting, yelling, and name calling has gone on in Washington. Now is the time to lift every voice and sing (as loud as possible).      

  Sold on gold is the way to go. Jo Jorgenson is the Libertarian candidate for President of The United States of America. An educator Dr. Jorgenson has a keen knowledge on the needs of the everyday Joe and Jane, and how to fulfil their needs. She supports a single-payer healthcare system. She is an ant-interventionist and supports the idea of ending decade long wars, along with sending the troops home. She opposes the war on drugs and it's policies. She opposes Trump's border wall on the Mexican-American border. She opposes the mask mandates that are pushed down our throats during this recent pandemic (calling it a violation of individual liberty). Having Spike Cohen (activist, entrepreneur, and podcaster) as a running mate shows how much a person cares about the betterment of a nation.   

  By the end of the day I'm an American. I'll put my citizenship before my race. I'll put my citizenship before my gender. I'll put my citizenship before my social and philosophical beliefs. I'll put my citizenship before my complacencies and privileges. I'll even put my citizenship before my own life. A member of the African-American community the idea of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" means a big deal to me. Groupthink and other monolithic practices does a real harm to human development and the fabric of a nations values. No matter how horrific our pass is I am still proud to be an American. The sooner we unify under one nation, one flag, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all we'll soar like the eagle the world cherishes. [10/3/2020]

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