I have written about multiple alternative universes and societal circumstances. But nothing will ever surpass or top the current COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the country and the world at large. Before any of this happened we took those who work in the medical field for granted. Now we pray and wish safety upon them like never before. Blaming world leaders or pointing to conspiracies is not needed at this time. The only thing this could be is a sign given to us by God. Some of us may need this time to do the things we wanted to do or put effort into the goals we need to accomplish.    

  Mostly introverted these are the times that I shine the brightest. Staying and keeping away from large groups of people is what I do on a daily basis. Having no job or outside hobbies I spend most of my time writing in a notebook. If you don't get it than let's just leave it alone.      

  Staying away from the news (and television as a whole) social media has become my coping device. While on Instagram I would watch videos of motivation by lectures, professors, and celebrities such as Matthew McConaughey. The messages of the speeches differed in each video, but they were all positive regardless. If I haven't learned anything since dropping out of college it would be the fact that you don't have to be in a classroom to receive important life lesson.    

  Personally, I can tell you that I'm cautious, but not fearing for my life. For as long as I could remember being a "good old boy" has always been one of my common traits. The washing of the hands and the usage of hand sanitizer are common rituals in my household. Any packages that are brought into my household are wiped down immediately. For some time I have been the type of person who doesn't want the government/system involved in any aspect of my life. However, if a person who works in the medical field gives some advice to concerned citizens than I'm all ears.  

  After all the stuff that I've been through I'm surprised that I'm alive writing this to you. God has giving me visions and prophecies of terrorist attacks, economic collapses, and plague hit cities. What's next to come can only be seen through the eye's of the God. 2020 is looking like a totally different world (as regards to sports, music, international affairs, etc.). As long as the sky doesn't fall there is no need to panic. Please stay safe and stay prayed up. [3/31/2020]

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