If I Had One Wish


  If I had one wish what would it be? The world we live in isn't full of genies and fairies. Whatever you want in life you must work like hell for it. In other words one must work to put a smile on. No matter what has or will happen to me in this life I will always put a smile on my face while being hit with stones. Fairness is all too slim in this thing we call life. Boys and girls won't survive this, but hopefully men and women will rise to the challenges that face them.      

  Twenty-six in a half, unemployed, and trying to give school a second shot I have one desiring wish. I wish to live in a place of no space and time. A place where I won't age. Animals and other forms of farm life is the only wealth that matters. The only landlords one must pay up to is God (giving Him thanks for the crops, animals, and the air we breath). Everybody wears the same set of clothes, so name brands and the bragging rights that comes with them won't be seen or displayed. There is no class or political trickery that rules this sacred place. Truth liberty and individuality is the core practice of this place (you could fully be yourself- socially, sexually, etc.).        

  While running an errand for my mother I was thinking about this imaginary place. Inside the car of a local servicemen we pass Hunts Point and it was just something that bothered me. What it was I don't know. I still don't know as we speak. Living in a big rich town full of skyscrapers makes it hard for one to think clearly. Come to think about it you're not given the time to think for yourself.   

  Visions and prophecies have shown me places with large spaces and lengthy acres filled with nothing but wheat. Black Wall Streets and Black Mecca's are out there (or in the making). My generation is the most creative and influential one to date. We should never underestimate the gifts and talents a group of people that can help and change the world at the same time.      

  One of my cousins has business connects in Florida and Atlanta. Both her and her husband look like their having a ball. Every time we talk on the phone she tells me that I need a change of scenery. She might be right in exact.      

  We all deserve a change in our scenery. Whether it takes place in our hearts or minds change is always possible. There's not one adult that doesn't wish to be a child again. Adulthood is full of remorse, dreadfulness, and denial. In reality politicians, priests, and the police are the villain. Citizens are the heroes. Everybody else are opportunists. Holding this truth as self-evident we continue to consume ourselves into escapism. Living in this society of ours we are free to cope with this truth as we please. Carrying the strength to fight for a better tomorrow is all that matters. [10-19-2020]

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