
  Since the Impeachment Hearings of 2019 I have seen myself walking on a tightrope between leftwing progressives and radical conservatives. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and entrepreneur Andrew Yang have become my new public figures to look up to. Television news networks such as MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News have been replaced with podcast like Timcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, and others. Historically, our nation was built on the idea of exchanging dialogue on opposite fronts. For now on (and the decades to come) let's try to make The Founding Father's vision a reality.            

  If I haven't learned anything from being in college for four years it would be that being "woke" is very profitable. And it's this secret that the left has learned to use to their advantage. Figures like Bernie Sanders wouldn't have been as successful as he is if it wasn't for the BernieBros. However, the "woke" crowd are to thank for getting Bernie his supporters of color. Yet, both in 2016 and in 2020 the Sanders Campaign has failed to adapt a "black agenda" celebrities that are hailed in the black community stay pushing Sanders as this can't-do-wrong savior. Using gullible millennials to enrich yourself is downright fowl. I'm not going to say that the concept of Socialism has no place in America, but I will never deny a person's freedom of choice.        

  I will never align myself with the right. But, if I ever did I would side with a Ronald Reagan or Eisenhower. All the RNC (Republican National Convention) has turned into is a bunch of Trump loyalist who spew out conspiracy theories (that are crazy and harmful). Anything Trump say is responded with blank stares and pointless remarks. Republicans were so obsessed with regaining power that they have sold their souls for it. We all have the right to put our vote behind anybody we want. Sacrificing lives and the moral structure of this great nation should never be worth it.       

  Today I'm a big fan of reaching across the aisle. AOC working with Ted Cruz is what we all need to aspire towards. Working alongside those who usually don't agree with you is a big part of the American fabric (even among members of your own communities and political parties). Foolish radicals on the left and right can say otherwise.          

  My reason for writing this is for all the Nicodemus' out there. Standing on the tightrope for too long can be very tiring and stressful. Facing shade that comes with not agreeing with a party's ideas and talking points causes a doozie. Walking the line on your own terms is what's most important. No matter what making our Founding Fathers and predecessors proud is what counts. [4/29/2020]


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