
  I was born black and ushered into a world that's made to make your existence a living hell. The ghetto that I grew up in heavily resembles South Africa's apartheid or Germany under Nazi rule. My tribe of descendance treats me as if I'm a stranger or forbidden. Life will lay it's knocks and bruises whether you ask for them or not. Obstacles and challenges have always charged in my direction. Currently, these same obstacles and challenges lay deceased. Often times as a child I was told that someday I would be a great man (something close to a prince). Hard work is ahead and tales are to be spoken.          

  Reigns always come to an end. I don't care how dominate a person may seem. I don't care what specific field of engagement is at hand. We all meet our maker. It's through my Blogger account that I strive to be the voice of the voiceless. The is a perilous time indeed, and the world needs a set of just and fair judges.       

  Recently, I have been reading a lot of Bible. From my perspective on the good book we are in need of more Samson's than David's. Those of us who are members of the oppressed class are the one's that know what it's like to struggle, suffer, and survive. Way before any news network or elite publication swarm our neighborhoods we are the one's that see the tragedies up close and center. Terrifying metamorphosis, crumbling foundations, and broken promises have been the cause of our everlasting condition. Sociologists such as Daniel Patrick Moynihan and others have warned the nation about our current circumstances. But will any of us ever take accountability for not answering the call.        

  Every time I look in the mirror I see children playing in an abandon park. Sitting in their age of innocence these kids don't have a clue that there is a world outside of their understanding. Kayla's grandma is the only caregiver she has. Malik never knew his father (and doesn't plan too) due to a life sentence. Darius is raised by a strong black single mother who has taught him to walk his own path and have a mind of his own. Will these three use their surrounding circumstances as fuel to a make striving change in their lives? Will they use any avenue that's available to make things better for themselves and those around them? Will they take whatever bait that is put in their face and fall for it? Years full of lessons, achievements, and failures are ahead of them. I always let time help develop these three young ones in this thing we call life.        

  History has always been my favorite subject coming up. However, the deeper I dig into the works of the greats the more I get angry. A people with such a great history has ended up to be the most laughed at and looked down upon group on the planet. Some blame invading forces. Other's point to man's arrogance. Those of us who are religious are quick to use God's way of punishment. These theories have been stated in the past, and they have been played out and overstated. Hopefully, in the third half of the twenty-first century we as a people can prove everybody wrong. [4/25/2020] 

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