
  I often like to consider myself a magnetic stereo traveling through the speed of time. Every once in a blue I would sit behind seniors on the bus. Whatever music I would be listening to whether it be rap, R&B, or even rock would cause good old Mrs. Brown or Mr. Charlie to dusk off their arthritis and Alzheimer's and dance quietly to themselves. One of my favorite David Bowie songs is Fame. During my early days taking the train to BMCC I would blast this song through my headphones from my iPod. Two or three months later I would hear Fame in more than five commercials. Those corporate workers in mainstream America are straight swagger jackers.      

  Dialogue and debate sessions while I was taking classes in college my third eye was a magnet. No matter the class or topic at hand the minute I started talking I resemblance a potential that sparked from those of the past who were greats in their fields. After two years of being put on dismissal I could still picture myself sitting in a classroom surrounded around other students (mostly of color) breaking down analogies and sharing my thoughts, meanwhile white middle-aged professors with PhD's stare in a state of admiration. Now and again I tend to miss those days that seemed as though they would last forever. However, If I could be honest with myself I'm in a phase where sitting in some classroom would make me out of place.      

  Over a thousand people across the globe have viewed my work on Blogger. This equals up to a thousand people's perception and understanding being shifted/or changed. It feels great to see that I don't have to be a student and take orders from a professor to make a change in someone's life. Fifteen blogs and over one hundred post to my name is how you know that this is not just a hobby, but a calling.    

  We are all stereo's one way or the other. Beyond age, race, and creed everybody has a unique culture or family history that helps our gifts become understandable. There's only one human family. No matter the time and place, the ability to connect and bond is a matter of frequency. [4/18/2020]

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