The Early And Tragic Demise of Ultra Pegasus & Slimboy Thunder


  In a million years would one think that monolithic practices such as Groupthink would exist in The United States of America. Some think that it's due to a lack of knowledge of our country's constitution. Others point the finger at the rise of Marxism and Fourth-Wave Feminism. I just call it a blind collective leading itself down the abyss. People from all over the planet earth come to our country not just because of the materialism and images we sell to foreigners, but due to one simple idea. This idea is less difficult to comprehend than it is to be implemented. It's this same idea that is the foundation of our very existence. The idea of America is that no matter where in the world one comes from or the beliefs they hold dear to them a person is free to be an individual and think freely for themselves. Beyond everything else this what makes The United States of America the greatest place to live.           

  Throughout history and time we learn of those that stood up to the majority and paid for it with their flesh and blood. It's sad to say that today they are those that are paying a price, just in a different manner. Usually, I don't like to write about fictional characters. However, where there is a need there will always have to be examples to be displayed. Well, here goes nothing....     

  Ultra Pegasus and Slimboy Thunder were like two peas in a pod. It's been this way since they were in the twelfth grade. While they're in public they act as though they are just two friends. From time to time the both of them wouldn't mind holding hands. Once in a blue moon nuns that resemble the women on A Handmaid's Tale would look on and scorn them (hissing at them with their eyes). Lots of people may consider this to be rude and hostile. Oh, don't worry this is just a plain old welcome mat to Indiana. 

  For guys that shop at the other side of town and appear to be unorthodox mean mugs and hissing doesn't bother them.  

  Pegasus has a light sand skin tone and stands at 5ft, 3in. His built is average for a twenty-one year old. The natural that he loves to rock only needs a brush and sunlight. Anything other than skinny jeans, bright colors, and vans never sparks his interest. Both of his parents were musicians at a local church. This could only help to explain the reason why Pegasus has a nice voice and could hold a beat. Raised by a interracial couple Pegasus never saw "race" as an issue. His mother was the more "progressive" one and wouldn't mind having a son that seemed different. His father on the other hand was a  former black panther (Chicago branch) and didn't mind calling a spade a spade. It's safe to say that his father almost hated him as if he were a plague. As an adult one could see that although each parent differs on the route that their son took they are still proud of him (and all of his accomplishments).   

  Standing at 6ft, 2in Slimboy Thunder would consider himself an Adonis. If his brown paper bag skin tone and dreadlocked fade doesn't give him a bonus I don't know what does. Almost every woman he passes can't keep their eyes off of him (although he looks away). Dark shades, a black leather jacket, any matching pear of jeans, and a simple pear of Chucks keeps him calm and collected. Born believing that he was apart of God's chosen people Slimboy was raised in a somewhat Hebraic household. Dad happened to be a Hebrew Israelite who supposedly wanted to do right by God. However, his father left him when he was three months old. Slimboy's mother was a sweet loving soul with a forceful touch. Despite dropping out of high school to become a mother she was still able to receive her GED and go on to major in Social Work at Indiana University Bloomington. With dad not present a lot of his mother's wisdom rubbed off on Slimboy throughout his development. Values such as think before you speak and always look a person in there eyes whenever you speak to them were constant reminders. An interest in literature had been an ongoing craze since early high school. Slimboy thinks this makes him a dreamer or a philosopher. Pegasus thinks that he needs to live a little more.       

  Together Pegasus and Thunder are a force to be reckon with. Some say a match made in heaven. Institutions, academia, City Hall, and individuals that are afraid of things that are different can't tell people who to love. Love is in the eye of the beholder. Nothing more and nothing less.   

  I deeply regret playing the role of the Grim Reaper in this fictionalized story. Someone has to do it though.        

  On a crisp fall afternoon both Ultra Pegasus and Slimboy Thunder were taking a walk. Daylight Savings was in full effect. When all seemed to be going peaceful and well all hell broke loose. Not even the blackest of night can hide the fact that their love was bright. A kiss here and there. Even their hands locked together. Like thieves in the midnight hour a militia called The Authority came marching towards Pegasus and Thunder to humiliate, manipulate, and interrogate. The Authority's white robes are attached with red crosses that makes them feel like Crusaders fighting a holy war. Arguing or trying to keep the peace with these individuals won't resolve any type of violence or harm. Seeing death around the corner both Pegasus and Thunder make their vows to the universe that no matter what happened to them (whether it be life or death) they would always love each other.      

  In the middle of a wheat field Ultra Pegasus and Slimboy Thunder are badly beaten, stripped, castrated, and nailed to crosses. Placed side by side it might have been a coincidence that their hands almost touched. The soft winds and the radiant sun of the early morning didn't make this tragedy any better. Before the local authorities discovered the two dead bodies all the residents across town can do is stop and stare in horror, grief, and pleasure. Parents on both sides made the choice to cremate their deceased children for the hope that one day they will both rise from their ashes and become great birds of fire.       

  We are members of the human race not God. Disagreeing or agreeing with one's lifestyle choices is one thing. Making yourself the say all be all towards people you differ with is a big no. With the power invested in me I vow to defend and fight for the vulnerable and needy. Please understand that this is an outcry of a concerned citizen. If there's any dedicated patriots out there that take heed of this message taking a stand where you are is the start that's needed. [8/21/2020]  

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