The Unorthodox And Deranged Teachings Of Mr. Wendal


  Every morning Mr. Wendal freshens himself up (by using bottled water or the nearest fire hydrant). His savvy red sportscar is not just the talk of the town, but also a place he lays his head. In the trunk of the car all of his clothes and sneakers are placed in a unique order (every outfit matches). Anybody could see Mr. Wendal strolling up and down Baychester Ave dressed to the T and getting his entrepreneur on (he makes clothes among other things from time to time). No matter the outfit Mr. Wendal had on he always had a matching hat (to avoid people from seeing his mysterious bald spot) with locks freely draping down his back. Whispers of ridicule and small shit-talks don't faze Mr. Wendal. He knows that God has set him on a journey for something great and impactful. The seven children that make up his "students" make everyday brighter for him in a world full of horrors (along with loan sharks and junkies).     

  Each afternoon at 2:20pm Mr. Wendal and his "students" would skate around Seton Falls Park like Jesus and his disciples. Telling them anything wouldn't solve nothing. Mr. Wendal loved those kids as if they were his own. They remained him of a life that he once had. Every child was different in his/or her own way.     

  Imani was the tomboy of the group that liked to draw and watch amine. Isiah was the tech-savvy one of the group ( some suspected that he had some form of autism). Patience was the emo of the group (her along with Imani love to draw and watch amine together on weekends). Chosen was the trailblazer of the group (being woke, a star student, and an athlete some consider him the leader of the group). Zoe was the environmentalist of the group (every time the group gets together she always has a way to find small animals). Michael is the one with the short fuse and who is always ready to go blow for blow with anyone. Justice was the quiet introverted nerd of the group (deep down she was very smart and intellectually sophisticated). Each and everyone of these students had skateboards that they would ride around and do tricks on. The designs on each of these students skateboards best reflected their personalities.           

  On a Friday afternoon fall's multiple colored leaves cover the ground. The students competed with each other to see who can do the best tricks. Seeing and alley or a 360 from middle schoolers would be impossible. Things were going pretty smooth until two goons that worked for a local drug dealer/kingpin named Glenn Quagmire came out of nowhere to shakedown Mr. Wendal. The beatdown was swift, but not easy to watch. Throughout the whole episode the students wanted to know why was this happening to their mentor, teacher, and big brother (imaginary) Mr. Wendal. All they can do was stand there and stare in horror, pain, and sorrow. Two of Mr. Quagmire's goons couldn't help but notice that the students didn't fall back (not even flinching). Having a background in Speech and Theater this is something that Mr. Wendal taught his students. This posture was simple: Head held high. Shoulders point up. Legs and feet pinned together.       

  Amazed, but covering it up by looking rough and menacing the goons went from pouncing on Mr. Wendal to focusing on his students. They flashed their guns. They talked all the hateful and humiliating shit in the world. However, all seven of them still stood their ground while standing in their taught posture. Irritation and the lack of patience sprang from both sides. "Please move on. You proved your point" said the voice of a defiant young lady. In a case of disbelief everybody turns to Justice. Knowing nothing else but to keep it moving the goons threaten the other by making noises and claiming their set (TheYoungClipperz). Walking away they made crazy noises with their mouths (boasting and showboating). Nobody cared about those degenerates. As long as Mr. Wendal was ok that was all that mattered.      

  Robbed of his shirt, hat, shoes, money, and car keys (which was later discovered as damaged) Mr. Wendal picked himself off the ground as if nothing had ever happened. Blood and bruises may be seen on the surface but behind a lesson was being served to the students.     

  Shaking off the fright and adrenaline the students try their best to go on to doing tricks with their boards. By the look on  Chosen's face one could see something embarrassing coming his way. Making herself known by stomping her flip-flops on the ground Chosen's mother marches towards the group. Playing the role of the concerned mother raising a black boy in the inner-city she grabs her son to confront him. Chosen's mother is no different any mother from the hood. She wants the best for her son and wants to see him live up to his potential. Yelling and interrogating Chosen can't even get a word out. Members of the group try their best to intervene and ease the tongue lashing for Chosen. Mr. Wendal jumps in as the fellow adult to try to explain things more sufficiently. As mad as a bull in Spain Chosen's mother lashes out at Mr. Wendal like fresh prey. If there are words that can belittle a man Chosen's mother threw them right at him. Bum, jobless, irresponsible, deadbeat, lazy, and a sorry excuse for a human being were the terms given to Mr. Wendal.        

  "Bring your ass on" said Chosen's mother. All Chosen can do was frown, pick up his board, and follow his mother on home.         

  Humiliation runs deep and can leave a scar unrepaired. The hurt was written all over Mr. Wendal's face and movements. The remaining students saw this and didn't feel right staying in his sight. Knowing this Mr. Wendal gave them the signal to go home or to the nearby library so he could get some R&R. The seconds, minutes, and hours to come would be so cold and traumatizing for Mr. Wendal.     

  The next day seemed died and off-balanced. Police cars and ambulance trucks were everywhere. Inside of a parking lot/trailer park is where all of this commotion was coming from. At 6:30am the authorities were called to the discovery of a man known to those in the area as Mr. Wendal. According to reports and autopsy (word on the street as well) Wendal dead from an overdose caused by Acetaminophen (Tylenol). Although his students weren't in school yet they somehow heard the news. Everybody cringed at Chosen, but knew deep down that it wasn't his fault for his mother's doing. Mr. Wendal meant a lot to his seven students. He was mush more than a man that was on the brink of homelessness. More than just the man everybody gave money to get get a special designer product from. More than just "the nigga with the dreads and the Zulu dick." More than just a grown man that hung out with kids so they can create alternatives other than dealing in petty activities. More than the perceptions of the small shit-talks and critiques coming from the alley's. He was a man that was birthed by his circumstances and tragedies. By the end of the day Mr. Wendal was put on earth to help guide people towards their gifts.       

  Ten minutes before the first period bell rings Imani and Patience are sitting in the same homeroom. Missing Mr. Wendal almost made them both teary eyed. Staring at each other they knew something had to be done. Using the time that remained before school started the two of them decided to run out the building and skip school. Going to each others houses they come up with lies as to why they had to turn back. On their way back to school Imani had the chalk and Patience had the spray paint. Off to Seton Falls Park they went.        

  Skipping school was a major risk, but taking it was necessary. While Imani and Patience were working on a mural people passed. Some people felt their pain. Some felt a sense of relief. It wasn't until lunch time when they both took a break. 2:00pm came to pass and they were almost done. Twenty minutes approached and the job was done (they might have over did it). Walking pass the mural brought out tons of emotions. Red, black, and green along with yellow, red, and green are color that stand for liberation and freedom. These same colors were painted in honor of The Beloved Mr. Wendal. Within the canvas were the words:      

                                                        Rest Easy       
                                                       Mr. Wendal     

                             Integrity                 Courage                 Love    

                                           Creativity               Kindness     

  You can even let the birds tell you how beautiful it was. It was as if all of your heartache and trauma stopped to take a break. Anything that was going down had to stop and pause. Just Picture a sunshower taking place, it will blow your mind. [9/7/2020]




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