Uncle Tom

  If I was old enough to vote for Obama in 2008 I would've. There was no doubt in the world that his eloquence, intelligence, and integrity was something to admire. However, by the time the 2012 election approached all the hype that carried Obama to the White House began to evaporate. Registering as an Independent (2012-2019) me and my mother went to the polls to fill out some ballots. The nominee for the RNC (Republican National Convention) back in 2012 was former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney. From the get go Romney was an odd-ball. Besides being a mid-aged white man he was a Mormon hailing from a northern state that is known for it's own brand of Liberalism. It's safe to say that if it wasn't for Romney running for president a majority of the population would not have known what The Church of Latter Day Saints was. Summoning all the confidence I can muster up I voted for LDS's very own Mitt Romney and other members of the GOP going straight down. Although my mother tried to shame me I walked away to the scanner with pride.          

  Of course Barrack H. Obama would win the election and serve a second term. I even decided to shake my mother's hand to show good sportsmanship. Obama's second term was a rare and unique one. Whether it was singing Amazing Grace at a church in Charleston, SC. Being the first sitting U.S. President to step foot in a federal prison. Standing up for Colin Kaepernick's protest during The National Anthem. Obama's Presidency is one that will forever be attached to our ever growing history as a nation. Just because I voted against Obama for his second term doesn't mean that I will disrespect his accomplishments and legacy.   

  2016 was the stone that cracked the camel's back (politically speaking). On the left you hade the establishment's very own Hillary Clinton going against the Democratic Socialist from Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Before the world discovered that there was a lot of commotion going on in Venezuela Sanders message of a socialist utopia sounded sane. Hillary (with the help of the DNC) preached a message of unity and the ability to push forward. Not to mention the fact that a symbolic torch would've been passed going from a first black president to what would have been the first woman president. By the summer of that year most of us knew that Hillary was going to get the nomination from the DNC. The right on the other hand was devoured by "Trumpzilla." Donald J. Trump stood before mayors, governor, congressman, senators and demolished them all. Once the RNC's convention was searching for a nominee most of the GOP establishment folded. I will honestly admit that on November 8, 2016 I casted my vote for Hillary Rodman Clinton. The way I voted was based on credentials and experience. However, to my surprise and many others Trump and his supporters marched in victory.        

  January 20, 2017 was the day that Donald John Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of The United States of America. Late Civil Rights activist and comedian Dick Gregory said something that blew my mind. Gregory mentioned the fact that we as individuals need to have a mind of our own because "most" of the rallies you were seeing were set up and paid for. In other words every protest you see isn't organic and original. Rocks and stones should never be thrown upon a name of a legend. Take it or leave it.        

  Chants and slogans of "Impeach The Motherfucker" and "Not My President" rang the loudest in 2018. 2018 was given the title of The Year of the Woman. Out of all the people running for public office four women of color would win their seats and be newly elected. One came out of NYC. One came out of Massachusetts. One came out of Michigan. Another one came out of Minnesota. Some time later their nickname would be The Squad (thanks to President Trump himself via Twitter). The minute these four women were elected I feared that their views and talking points would "steer the pot."     

  May 25, 2020 was a day that the nation and the world will always remember. George Floyd's death was a tragedy that even the universe could see clearly. However, grief and sorrow turned into anger and destruction (of property). It was as if the objective went from George Floyd to proving a mindless point to some invisible man above. According to popular theories BlackLivesMatter hade made a deal with Antifa and the DNC to wage war on the right and any sane individual. Believe me when I say this, all of that rioting and looting, along with the illegal taking down of statues that one doesn't like because they are white, is all apart of a campaign that will help Trump get reelected. To simply put it, BLM and the left are hurting their own cause.       

  I deliver this message not as a Republican or a Democrat. Male nor female. Elk or mason. Progressive or a regressive. A 1%er nor a lower class citizen. I come before you as an American. It's during times like this one that a need for unity and understanding should come first. Inclusion will bring healing nd restoration. Let's not allow media outlets and propaganda to divide us. Holding hands and moving forward is the only initiative worth taking. Saying these things might make me an "Uncle Tom" to some who look like me. However, I am just a concern citizen that's up to seeing my country be a better place for generations to come. [7/4/2020]


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